Inside a Boudoir Session

"Boudoir sessions aren't just about the beautiful photographs. It's about embracing womanhood and saying, I am a confident beautiful woman."

When I first decided to photograph a boudoir session it was because a friend came up to me and asked to do it as a gift for her husband. I thought it would be fun so I said yes and we started to do some research. It was such a fun session and we both loved the images from that day. 

When doing a boudoir session, I always say it's not just about doing them for your husband, boyfriend, or girlfriend. It's about being confident in your own skin. Most women ask me about them and always say " I'm not skinny enough" or "I'm to shy I could never". 

I start the session off with music and mimosas, we lay out your lingerie and go over the areas you are concerned about. From there I take over and we will be laughing, talking about life, loved ones etc and before you know it the session is over and you are walking out the door feeling sexier than ever. 

If you are interested in a boudoir session but are feeling nervous don't be! I promise you will have a great time and will love your portraits.